There is a rich folklore and cultural tradition among the Croats and the dances and music of old are cherished and kept alive in the Croatian communities all over the world. In the Croatian Martyrs Parish we have many children and youth participating in the folklore groups. Please see below for more info.
Sljeme was founded in 1979 at the Roman Catholic Church of Croatian Martyrs in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. Our mission is to promote Croatian culture through song, dance and tamburica and gathering of Croatian youth.
Sljeme has over 100 members in their dance and tambura groups. Our success is primarily attributed to the devotion and experience of our teachers as well as dedication and support of our parents with countless volunteer hours as well as support from family members and sponsors.
Members of Sljeme have had the privilege of touring our beloved homeland Croatia five times in the last 11 years. With great pride, Sljeme participates each year at the Canadian Croatian Folklore Festival and we are proud of the success to date.
Executive Committee:
President: Alex Cosic
Treasurer: Mirjana Arbeau
Kathy Bandula, in the Executive Committee
Dean Smiciklas, in the Executive Committee

Župni tamburaški orkestar "Vatroslav Lisinski" osnovan je 1979. pod pokroviteljstvom Župe Hrvatskih mučenika uz veliku pomoć tadašnjeg župnika vlč. Ivice Kecerina. Uz iznimni trud i napor prvog učitelja pokojnog Ivice Štefanca, ŽTO Vatroslav Lisinski postao je jedan od najpoznatijih tamburaških orkestara u Ontariju.
ŽTO Vatroslav Lisinski je bio i još uvijek jest, zahvaljujući dragom Bogu, mjesto okupljanja brojne hrvatske mladeži. U župnim prostorijama, gdje se održavaju probe, mladi stječu prijateljstva uleći svirati hrvatske pjesme.
Uz pomoć dugogodišnjeg učitelja g. Emila Mesića, ŽTO Vatroslav Lisinski želi i u budućnosti širiti hrvatsku kulturu kroz njene pjesme uz zvukove hrvatskog tradicijskog glazbala, najdraže nam - tamburice.
ŽTO VL ima probe svakog utorka uvečer. Novi članovi su uvijek dobrodošli, od malene djece pa do mladih!
Email: zto.vatroslav.lisinski@gmail.com
President: Iva Petrinovic
Emil Mesić
Robert Kanceljak

Although not one of the parish folklore groups, Folklore ensemble Croatia maintains close relationship with the Croatian Martyrs Parish as they practice in parish classrooms.
From its beginnings, Folklore Ensemble Croatia has strived to be a rich and complete amateur folklore ensemble in singing, dancing and music, sharing its wealth with all nationalities. We are fortunate to have a large number of costumes and instruments, most of which are authentic, which have helped us to achieve this goal.
Today, Folklore Ensemble Croatia is proud of its' 100-plus members ranging in age from five to those in their mid-twenties. They are a symbol that Croatian culture is alive and thriving among new generations.
Email: Mississauga.FEC@gmail.com